On 28th Sept 2023, our co-founder, Kenneth Mah, was conferred the Singapore Silent Hero 2023. The award was presented to daddy by our Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong during the ceremony held at Shangri-La Singapore hotel.
Kenneth Mah, co-founded the Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) with Patricia in 2011 after Chloe was diagnosed with a rare disease called Pompe Disease. The society is registered as a charity with IPC status (from 2022) since 2015. It supports more than 200 people diagnosed with a rare disorder, as well as 800 people living with someone who has a rare disorder through emotional, social and financial schemes.
This what Kenneth said:
“It’s an honor to receive the Outstanding Adult of the 10th Singapore Silent Heroes Award from our Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Mr Lawrence Wong, last night. I wasn’t prepare for this so it came as a surprise when my name was mentioned.
I would like to dedicate this award to all the caregivers and office bearers in Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) that I co-founded with Patricia Ng 12 years ago. My work will be meaningless without you and I am grateful to have you as part of RDSS family.
I must say the true silent hero that deserve this award should be the one that nominated me – Jasmine Lee. Without her selfless dedication in supporting my work all these years, I might not be able to build RDSS up.
I am who I am today because of the amazing people behind me and without them, the true silent heroes, I wouldn’t have come this far. Once again, I like to thank you for your constant support, encouragement, motivation and guidance.

Like to say a big thank you to Priscilla Gan for your years of involvement with Singapore Silent Heroes. You are the best Silent Hero Ambassador!
All glory to God!”
Read more here: https://sgsilentheroes.com/news/kenneth-mah-2023-sg-silent-hero/
Watch video here: https://youtu.be/JgOop56pffo?si=Snf023SNXJS2P2dT