
RDSS Siblings Support

Love Is Not Rare

Having a child diagnosed with a rare disorder can have a significant impact on the entire family, including siblings. The emotional, physical, and financial strain can be overwhelming, and it’s not uncommon for siblings to feel left out or neglected.

At RDSS, we recognize the importance of supporting the siblings of children with rare disorders. That’s why we offer two different programs to empower and connect these siblings.

Empowering Our Youths Programme for Siblings (13 years old and above)

This programme is led by Amanda Ng and Shuy Yao Kang, two exemplary sibling award winners, this program focuses on helping teens explore their strengths and develop their skills through activities such as planning, emceeing events or advocating for their siblings with rare disease. We believe that by empowering older siblings, they can become role models for their younger siblings and share their experiences with them.

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Kids Programme for Siblings (4 years – 12 years old)
For younger siblings between the ages of 4 and 13, we have our Kids Program. The focus of this program is to provide a safe and supportive environment where young siblings can learn that they are not alone on their journey. Through games, stories, and the guidance of the siblings in our empowering programme, younger siblings can gain a better understanding of their special needs sibling and feel more connected to their family.

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