
About Us

Love Is Not Rare

Rare Disorders Society (Singapore) also known as RDSS, is a non-profit organisation initiated by parents of children with LSD (Lysosomal Storage Disorder). Established in 2011, it aims to create awareness about various life threatening rare diseases (RD). RDSS is currently the only organisation focusing and supporting only on rare disease patients in Singapore. Unlike other charities that focus on specific disease group or made rare genetic disease as one of the supported group, RDSS accepts and supports ALL patients currently diagnosed with rare diseases, including those undiagnosed cases.

Through increased awareness of rare diseases among various stakeholders, RDSS aspires to promptly facilitate patients with rare diseases to receive timely intervention, thereby enhancing their quality of life.

We are committed to improving the lives of patients with rare diseases and their families.

Discover more about our mission and initiatives here.

Our Charity UEN number is T11SS0113L. Please click here to find us on the charity portal and do view us in desktop version to access more detailed data.

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